先visible再move视觉上会有问题的。。我觉得可能还是得等upstream fix。。
lsp-ui-doc应该没啥问题 但是company的话如果在不同行之间来回编辑还是挺蛋疼的。。而且第一次会从initial position出现然后再移动到正常的位置。。强迫症表示还是不太能接受。。。所以我用alpha=0来隐藏移动到位之前的frame 但是不确定这样会不会有performance issue
今天在GNU Emacs 26.0.90和 macOS10.13上测试了下 child-frame,基本功能是能使用的。只是有几个小问题:
- 窗口边框有一条白线或者黑线,看起来很碍眼;
- child frame 和 desktop 不大兼容。重启发现有 error:
set-frame-parameter: Invalid specification of ‘parent-frame’
. -
child frame也许能解决popup窗口闪烁和格式混乱的问题,tooltip 在每个平台的表现也不一致,不给力。
这个有可能, 毕竟这个功能刚刚发掘出来,所以遇到不兼容的问题也很正常
你把frame parameter list里的internal-border改成nil就行了
花了一早上简单尝试 从 spacemacs 迁移到 doom-emacs,感觉 keybinding 好不习惯,如果要整一套符合 spacemacs 的又太麻烦了
我想从 spacemacs 转出的原因也类似:
- 感觉 spacemacs maintain 的力度越来越小了
- 上千个 issue,经过几年清理都没清理完
- 新的稳定版本发布周期越来越长
- layer 质量参差不齐,经常有不适合自己的地方
- 默认配置和 evil 的搭配也有不太好的地方,比如很多 spacemacs function 都没有经 过 evil-declare-ignore-repeat
之前用了快一年自己的设置,但是发现自己维护不过来,而且在做很多重复工作。前两天又 迁移回 spacemacs
找个周末再好好试试 doom
所以我坚决不入 Spacemacs,一是太慢,二就是不符合个人习惯。很多按键、配置都太复杂,也不是最原汁原味的 Emacs。所以我一直使用自己的配置 GitHub - seagle0128/.emacs.d: Centaur Emacs - A Fancy and Fast Emacs Configuration.
我创建了一个临时的包 company-childframe,专门用来测试 childframe 作为 选词菜单的可行性
在 window 和 linux 下, 我可以测试, 但 macos 就无能为力了, 而且 child-frame 在 macos 上似乎有许多 bug, 大家一起折腾吧, 比单打独斗更有效率, 如果你没有签 gnu 的文件, 那就提交 issue 和可能存在的问题,我慢慢改
等这个方式稳定之后,我就考虑给 company 提交一个 PR。
mac上用不了 好像位置的计算有点问题 而且光标会跳来跳去的 之前的那个code是可以用的
*** /Users/xfu/.emacs.d/modules/private/xfu/local/company-childframe.el 2018-01-05 01:23:52.000000000 +0800
--- /Users/xfu/.emacs.d/modules/private/xfu/local/test-company-childframe.el 2018-01-08 09:53:38.000000000 +0800
*** 4,45 ****
;;; Code:
(require 'company)
(defvar company-childframe-child-frame nil)
(defvar company-childframe-current-frame nil)
- (defun company-childframe-compute-pixel-position (pos pixel-width pixel-height)
- "Return pixel position of POS in WINDOW, which indicates relative
- coordinates of bottom left corner of the object, its returned value is
- like (X . Y)
- If PIXEL-WIDTH and PIXEL-HEIGHT are given, this function regard these
- values as the size of a small window located around the POS, for example:
- tooltip. These values are used to adjust the small window's location and
- let it not disappear by sticking out of the display.
! This function is shameless steal from pos-tip."
(let* ((window (selected-window))
(frame (window-frame window))
(xmax (frame-pixel-width frame))
(ymax (frame-pixel-height frame))
! (posn (posn-at-point pos window))
! (line (cdr (posn-actual-col-row posn)))
! (line-height
! (or (window-line-height line window)
! (and (redisplay t)
! (window-line-height line window))))
! (x-y (or (posn-x-y posn) '(0 . 0)))
(x (+ (car (window-inside-pixel-edges window))
! (car x-y)))
! (y0 (+ (cadr (window-pixel-edges window))
! (or (nth 2 line-height) (cdr x-y))))
! (y (+ y0 (car line-height))))
! (cons (max 0 (min x (- xmax (or pixel-width 0))))
! (max 0 (if (> (+ y (or pixel-height 0)) ymax)
! (- y0 (or pixel-height 0))
! y)))))
(defun company-childframe--update-1 (string position)
(let* ((window-min-height 1)
--- 4,48 ----
;;; Code:
! (require 'cl-lib)
(require 'company)
(defvar company-childframe-child-frame nil)
(defvar company-childframe-current-frame nil)
! (defun company-childframe-compute-pixel-position (pos tooltip-width tooltip-height)
! "Return bottom-left-corner pixel position of POS in WINDOW.
! its returned value is like (X . Y)
! If TOOLTIP-WIDTH and TOOLTIP-HEIGHT are given, this function will use
! two values to adjust its output position, make sure the *tooltip* at
! position not disappear by sticking out of the display."
(let* ((window (selected-window))
(frame (window-frame window))
(xmax (frame-pixel-width frame))
(ymax (frame-pixel-height frame))
! (posn-top-left (posn-at-point pos window))
(x (+ (car (window-inside-pixel-edges window))
! (or (car (posn-x-y posn-top-left)) 0)))
! (y-top (+ (cadr (window-pixel-edges window))
! (or (cdr (posn-x-y posn-top-left)) 0)))
! (posn-next-line-beginning
! (save-excursion
! (goto-char pos)
! (if (= (line-end-position) (point-max))
! (let (posn)
! (goto-char (point-max))
! (insert "\n")
! (setq posn (posn-at-point (point) window))
! (delete-char -1)
! posn)
! (vertical-motion 1)
! (posn-at-point (point) window))))
! (y-buttom (or (cdr (posn-x-y posn-next-line-beginning)) 0)))
! (cons (max 0 (min x (- xmax (or tooltip-width 0))))
! (max 0 (if (> (+ y-buttom (or tooltip-height 0)) ymax)
! (- y-top (or tooltip-height 0))
! y-buttom)))))
(defun company-childframe--update-1 (string position)
(let* ((window-min-height 1)
*** 47,71 ****
(frame-resize-pixelwise t)
(frame (window-frame))
(buffer (get-buffer-create " *company-childframe*"))
! (min-size '(1 . (+ company-tooltip-minimum-width 1)))
(unless (and (eq frame company-childframe-current-frame)
! (eq (frame-live-p company-childframe-child-frame) 'ns))
(when (frame-live-p company-childframe-child-frame)
(delete-frame company-childframe-child-frame))
(setq company-childframe-current-frame frame)
(setq company-childframe-child-frame
(let ((after-make-frame-functions nil))
! `(
! (parent-frame . ,frame)
! (left . 0)
! (top . 0)
(no-accept-focus . t)
(min-width . t)
(min-height . t)
- (internal-border-width . 0)
(border-width . 0)
(vertical-scroll-bars . nil)
(horizontal-scroll-bars . nil)
(left-fringe . 0)
--- 50,71 ----
(frame-resize-pixelwise t)
(frame (window-frame))
(buffer (get-buffer-create " *company-childframe*"))
! (min-size '(2 . 10))
(unless (and (eq frame company-childframe-current-frame)
! (frame-live-p company-childframe-child-frame))
(when (frame-live-p company-childframe-child-frame)
(delete-frame company-childframe-child-frame))
(setq company-childframe-current-frame frame)
(setq company-childframe-child-frame
(let ((after-make-frame-functions nil))
! `((parent-frame . ,frame)
(no-accept-focus . t)
(min-width . t)
(min-height . t)
(border-width . 0)
+ (internal-border-width . 0)
(vertical-scroll-bars . nil)
(horizontal-scroll-bars . nil)
(left-fringe . 0)
*** 79,135 ****
(visibility . nil)
(cursor-type . nil)
(minibuffer . nil)
! (width . 0)
! (height . 0)
(no-special-glyphs . t)
! (ns-appearance . nil)
! (background-color . ,(face-attribute 'default :background))
! ))))
! )
! (set-window-buffer
! (frame-root-window company-childframe-child-frame) buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
- (setq mode-line-format nil
- header-line-format nil)
(insert string))
! (setq x-and-y (company-childframe-compute-pixel-position
! position
! (frame-pixel-width company-childframe-child-frame)
! (frame-pixel-height company-childframe-child-frame)))
! (fit-frame-to-buffer company-childframe-child-frame nil (car min-size) nil (cdr min-size))
! (set-frame-position company-childframe-child-frame (car x-and-y) (+ (cdr x-and-y) 1))
! (make-frame-visible company-childframe-child-frame)
! )
! )
(defun company-childframe--update ()
"Update contents of company tooltip."
(let* ((height (min company-tooltip-limit company-candidates-length))
(lines (company--create-lines company-selection height))
! (contents (mapconcat #'identity lines "\n"))
! ;; (contents (car lines))
! )
(company-childframe--update-1 contents (- (point) (length company-prefix)))))
(defun company-childframe-show ()
"Show company tooltip at point."
! (if (frame-live-p company-childframe-child-frame)
! (progn
! ;; (make-frame-visible company-childframe-child-frame)
! (company-childframe--update)
! )
! (company-childframe--update)
! ))
(defun company-childframe-hide ()
"Hide company tooltip."
(when (frame-live-p company-childframe-child-frame)
(make-frame-invisible company-childframe-child-frame)))
(defun company-childframe-kill ()
"Kill company-childframe's frame and buffer."
(when (frame-live-p company-childframe-child-frame)
! (delete-frame company-childframe-child-frame)
(setq company-childframe-child-frame nil)))
(defun company-childframe-frontend (command)
"`company-mode' frontend using a real X tooltip.
COMMAND: See `company-frontends'."
--- 79,133 ----
(visibility . nil)
(cursor-type . nil)
(minibuffer . nil)
! (width . 50)
! (height . 1)
(no-special-glyphs . t)
! (background-color . ,(face-attribute 'company-tooltip :background))))))
! (let ((window (frame-root-window pyim-tooltip-child-frame)))
! ;; This method is more stable than 'setq mode/header-line-format nil'
! (set-window-parameter window 'mode-line-format 'none)
! (set-window-parameter window 'header-line-format 'none)
! (set-window-buffer window buffer)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(insert string))
! (let ((child-frame company-childframe-child-frame))
! ;; Macos can not move a child-frame when it invisible,
! ;; the good news is that it has been fixed in emacs master
! ;; https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnu-emacs/2018-01/msg00105.html
! (make-frame-visible child-frame)
! (fit-frame-to-buffer
! child-frame nil (car min-size) nil (cdr min-size))
! (setq x-and-y (company-childframe-compute-pixel-position
! position
! (frame-pixel-width child-frame)
! (frame-pixel-height child-frame)))
! (set-frame-position child-frame (car x-and-y) (+ (cdr x-and-y) 1)))))
(defun company-childframe--update ()
"Update contents of company tooltip."
(let* ((height (min company-tooltip-limit company-candidates-length))
(lines (company--create-lines company-selection height))
! (contents (mapconcat #'identity lines "\n")))
(company-childframe--update-1 contents (- (point) (length company-prefix)))))
(defun company-childframe-show ()
"Show company tooltip at point."
! (company-childframe--update))
(defun company-childframe-hide ()
"Hide company tooltip."
(when (frame-live-p company-childframe-child-frame)
(make-frame-invisible company-childframe-child-frame)))
(defun company-childframe-kill ()
"Kill company-childframe's frame and buffer."
(when (frame-live-p company-childframe-child-frame)
! (delete-frame company-childframe--frame)
(setq company-childframe-child-frame nil)))
(defun company-childframe-frontend (command)
"`company-mode' frontend using a real X tooltip.
COMMAND: See `company-frontends'."
*** 139,156 ****
(hide (company-childframe-hide))
(update (company-childframe--update))
(post-command (company-childframe--update))))
(defun company-childframe-enable ()
"Replace `company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend' with `company-childframe-frontend'."
! (kill-local-variable 'company-frontends)
! (setq-local company-frontends
! (remove 'company-preview-frontend (remove 'company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend
! (remove 'company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend
! company-frontends))))
! (add-to-list 'company-frontends 'company-childframe-frontend))
! (provide 'company-childframe)
! ;; (require 'company-childframe)
! ;; (company-childframe-enable)
! ;; (setq company-childframe-child-frame nil)
--- 137,154 ----
(hide (company-childframe-hide))
(update (company-childframe--update))
(post-command (company-childframe--update))))
+ ;;;autoload
(defun company-childframe-enable ()
"Replace `company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend' with `company-childframe-frontend'."
! (interactive)
! (if (< emacs-major-version 26)
! (message "company-childframe only run emacs (version >= 26).")
! (kill-local-variable 'company-frontends)
! (setq-local company-frontends
! (remove 'company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend
! (remove 'company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend
! company-frontends)))
! (add-to-list 'company-frontends 'company-childframe-frontend)))
! (provide 'test-company-childframe)
test-company-childframe.el 是你的新 code
跳来跳去? 有 gif 录像吗? 我看一下