OS X Airmaill 超好用嘚 还支持 markdown 嘞,但是好像在这里说这个有些多余诶。。。
恩 我试试。。。 这个选择也可以考虑。。不过还是想用 Emacs 做邮件客户端。。
- maildir doesn’t support in gnus. One reason I don’t use gnus as my mail client
- Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:29] \ The Maildir support in Gnus, and the situation about nnmaildir in gnus since this https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/linux.debian.user/zak3_qcZYWk/SRxtK1oWlHUJ
- gnus is kind of slow while handling too much mail
- Options about emacs as a mail client
- Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:36] \ https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/3s5fas/which_email_client_mu4e_mutt_notmuch_gnus_do_you/
- reading emacs blog in guns using Gwene server
Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:33] \ Mentioned in an emacs chat session by Sacha And John Wiegley
- mu
- Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:59] \ install ~mu~ on mac os can use homebrew ~brew install mu --with-emacs~
- mu4e manual
Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 10:00] \ mu4e comes with mu. Can’t find in emacs package archive ~melpa~ or somewhere else
Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:39] \ Mu4e 0.9.16 user manual
- offlineimap(has multi account support)
- Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:39] \ http://docs.offlineimap.org/en/latest/MANUAL.html ** people seems have tried to merge to mbsync
- Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:43] \ https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/4bjj6u/migrating_from_offlineimap_to_mbsync_for_mu4e/
- The basic email workflow for using mu4e ** fetch you mailbox using mail imap protocol into local maildir ** using mu utility to index you maildir ** then using mu emacs interface mu4e to process you email *** there plenty you can do here (see mu4e manual) ** then sync you local maildir state to you mail server
- mu4e setup tutorials
** [Emacs] mu4e + offlineimap multiply accounts
- Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:48] \ [Emacs] mu4e + offlineimap multiply accounts ** mu4e: an E-mail Client for Emacs
- Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:49] \ http://wenshanren.org/?p=111 ** EMAIL TEMPLATES IN MU4E WITH YASNIPPET
- Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:49] \ email | Pragmatic Emacs ** Emacs as email client with offlineimap and mu4e on OS X
- Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:49] \ http://www.kirang.in/2014/11/13/emacs-as-email-client-with-offlineimap-and-mu4e-on-osx/ ** introducing mu4e, an e-mail client for emacs background
- Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:50] \ http://emacs-fu.blogspot.jp/2012/08/introducing-mu4e-for-email.html ** Drowning in Email; mu4e to the Rescue.
- Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:50] \ Drowning in Email; mu4e to the Rescue.
- Notes:
** set ~ export XAPIAN_CJK_NGRAM=1 ~ before you using ~mu index~ you maildir
- Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:53] \ Finding CJK text is failed · Issue #544 · djcb/mu · GitHub
- Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:53] \ behavior different when searching CJK text · Issue #123 · djcb/mu · GitHub
- In a netshell
- Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 10:01] \ It could be kind of touch when you try to make a transition from ~ThunderBird~ ~Outlook~ or other GUI mail clients. But there is much more benefits when you do feel comfortable with this method. After all, it always a personal choice.
- Note taken on [2016-05-13 Fri 09:54] \ Gnus can still be useful while reading news. Mu4e is good at handle your personal email and subscriptions.
我也用 gnus,不过我 直接用pop3, 用gnus nnimap 连接 163 就没有成功过,pop3倒是稳定可靠
确实gnud不太适合做gmail client……另外用offlineimap最好干脆把gmail语言改成英文的=_=
虽然不是 Emacs ,但也许可以尝试一下 [Nylas N1] (GitHub - nylas/nylas-mail: An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web. Forks welcome!) ,感觉还可以,不过我偶尔才开,不知道确定会不会拖累 Mac 的速度…
只要支持imap 的都可以。qq要先去设置那边打开 imap相关设置。
qq mail 客户端收邮件的时候。会引导你设置一个新的密码。用这个密码
qq mail 帐号就可以。
(吐槽:QQ mail 密码 帐号一个密码。 邮箱又设置一个独立密码。客户端收邮件
又自动生成密码, 生成的时候还要手动发送短信到他们服务器。他们生成的hash string。
请问你+offlineimap如何设置的,spacemacs layer里面设置好像是mbsync
你好,我按照spacemacs layer mu4e的设定,还是不行。。。请问可以看看你的设置吗?谢谢
行 我的那部分配置有自己帐号的信息。 mbsync 和offlineimap 是同步邮件用的。 emacs这边只是和mu 还有 同步的Maildir。 offlineimap的配置也要看是么? 我现在部分已经转到mbsync了。 晚上有时间看看。
Nylas因为用独立的sync engine,确实可以实现墙内直接收发gmail,速度挺快。但看起来收费不算便宜的Nylas Pro和N1貌似是两个产品(后者缺失太多功能?)。不需要翻墙就可以收发Gmail的client里cloudmagic算一个,只是mac版功能过于简洁(几乎没有),能使用VPN或者SS全局翻墙的话,Canary Mail无论从开发者回馈服务(slack)、功能、轻便等各个角度来说,绝对是个极为优秀的选择。
我用的是别的邮箱, 不是gmail. 请问邮件文件夹, 如"收件箱", “已发送”, “草稿箱”, "垃圾箱"等, 用offlineimap收下来的都是乱码. 请问你是怎么解决的? 谢谢
加载这个python script pythonfile =
然后在local Repository 里面添加 nametrans = lambda foldername: foldername.decode(‘utf-8’).encode(‘imap4-utf-7’)