
我想让org导出其他格式时能正常显示这样的字符串:“\-”、“\S” 请问该怎么做? 已尝试: \-导出变成了空; \\-导出变成了\; \\\-导出变成了\\


最简单的方法就是把字符串放进 ~ 或者 = 里。例如




如果你想要对整段文字进行这种处理的话可以把它放进 #+begin_example ... #+end_example 里面。

我以前试过用LaTeX的语法 \backslash{}S,然而并不能正常运作。但是 \slash{}S 可以输出成 /S ,也不知道是为什么。

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\foo 这样的字符串有特殊的含义(\-shy hyphen\SSection Sign),文档 (org) Special symbols 中有说明,你也可以选择不进行这种转义:

org-export-with-entities is a variable defined in `ox.el'.
Its value is t

  This variable is safe as a file local variable if its value
  satisfies the predicate `booleanp'.

Non-nil means interpret entities when exporting.

For example, HTML export converts \alpha to α and \AA to

For a list of supported names, see the constant `org-entities'
and the user option `org-entities-user'.

This option can also be set with the OPTIONS keyword,
e.g. "e:nil".

You can customize this variable.
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