如何打开链接文件的时候, 自动链接文件

每次打开链接文件的时候,都会提示是否进行链接的提示, 请问如何自动进行链接该文件?

vc-follow-symlinks is a variable defined in vc-hooks.el.gz.


Original Value

Toggle Set Customize

What to do if visiting a symbolic link to a file under version control.

Editing such a file through the link bypasses the version control system,
which is dangerous and probably not what you want.

If this variable is t, VC follows the link and visits the real file,
telling you about it in the echo area.  If it is ask, VC asks for
confirmation whether it should follow the link.  If nil, the link is
visited and a warning displayed.

(setq vc-follow-symlinks t)

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