使用 sis 来自动切换输入法,但没有效果

我是按照 github 页面上的配置,没有自定义。但在 meow 下,normal-mode 和 insert-mode 之间的切换后,输入法的状态不会随之改变。想看看各位大大是如何进行配置的,为何我的不行?

(use-package sis
  ;; :hook
  ;; enable the /follow context/ and /inline region/ mode for specific buffers
  ;; (((text-mode prog-mode) . sis-context-mode)
  ;;  ((text-mode prog-mode) . sis-inline-mode))
  :straight (sis
			 :host github
			 :repo "laishulu/emacs-smart-input-source"))
  ;; For MacOS

   ;; English input source may be: "ABC", "US" or another one.
   ;; "com.apple.keylayout.ABC"

   ;; Other language input source: "rime", "sogou" or another one.
   ;; "im.rime.inputmethod.Squirrel.Rime"

  ;; enable the /cursor color/ mode
  (sis-global-cursor-color-mode t)
  ;; enable the /respect/ mode
  (sis-global-respect-mode t)
  ;; enable the /context/ mode for all buffers
  (sis-global-context-mode t)
  ;; enable the /inline english/ mode for all buffers
  (sis-global-inline-mode t)

升级 28.1 后,貌似也出现了光标状态不刷新的问题。

sis 应该没处理 meow 吧,可能只支持 evil?

我这里也是,mac + emacs + evil,但似乎不起作也。调用sis-get,无任何输出。已安装macsim

1 个赞



(use-package sis
  (setq sis-english-source "com.apple.keylayout.ABC")
   "com.apple.inputmethod.SCIM.WBX" 'macism)
  ;; enable the /cursor color/ mode
  (sis-global-cursor-color-mode t)
  ;; enable the /respect/ mode
  (sis-global-respect-mode t)
  ;; enable the /context/ mode for all buffers
  (sis-global-context-mode t)
  ;; enable the /inline english/ mode for all buffers
  (sis-global-inline-mode t)


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