基于 ripgrep 的代码搜索和重构工具

比如我造了一个tex文本如下,你搜索 the 这个单词看看。只是一个例子,我的是投稿论文,不方便公开。

%% This is file `sample-sigconf.tex',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% samples.dtx  (with options: `sigconf')
%% For the copyright see the source file.
%% Any modified versions of this file must be renamed
%% with new filenames distinct from sample-sigconf.tex.
%% For distribution of the original source see the terms
%% for copying and modification in the file samples.dtx.
%% This generated file may be distributed as long as the
%% original source files, as listed above, are part of the
%% same distribution. (The sources need not necessarily be
%% in the same archive or directory.)
%% The first command in your LaTeX source must be the \documentclass command.

%% \BibTeX command to typeset BibTeX logo in the docs
      \normalfont B\kern-0.5em{\scshape i\kern-0.25em b}\kern-0.8em\TeX}}}

%% Rights management information.  This information is sent to you
%% when you complete the rights form.  These commands have SAMPLE
%% values in them; it is your responsibility as an author to replace
%% the commands and values with those provided to you when you
%% complete the rights form.

%% These commands are for a PROCEEDINGS abstract or paper.
\acmConference[Woodstock '18]{Woodstock '18: ACM Symposium on Neural
  Gaze Detection}{June 03--05, 2018}{Woodstock, NY}
\acmBooktitle{Woodstock '18: ACM Symposium on Neural Gaze Detection,
  June 03--05, 2018, Woodstock, NY}

%% Submission ID.
%% Use this when submitting an article to a sponsored event. You'll
%% receive a unique submission ID from the organizers
%% of the event, and this ID should be used as the parameter to this command.
%% \acmSubmissionID{123-A56-BU3}

%% The majority of ACM publications use numbered citations and
%% references.  The command \citestyle{authoryear} switches to the
%% "author year" style.
%% If you are preparing content for an event
%% sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH, you must use the "author year" style of
%% citations and references.
%% Uncommenting
%% the next command will enable that style.
%% \citestyle{acmauthoryear}


% remove ACM reference format
\renewcommand\footnotetextcopyrightpermission[1]{} % removes footnote with conference information in first column
% remove copyright box
% remove doi

%% end of the preamble, start of the body of the document source.

%% The "title" command has an optional parameter,
%% allowing the author to define a "short title" to be used in page headers.

%% The "author" command and its associated commands are used to define
%% the authors and their affiliations.
%% Of note is the shared affiliation of the first two authors, and the
%% "authornote" and "authornotemark" commands
%% used to denote shared contribution to the research.
% \author{Ben Trovato}
% \authornote{Both authors contributed equally to this research.}
% \email{[email protected]}
% \orcid{1234-5678-9012}
% \author{G.K.M. Tobin}
% \authornotemark[1]
% \email{[email protected]}
% \affiliation{%
% \institution{Institute for Clarity in Documentation}
% \streetaddress{P.O. Box 1212}
% \city{Dublin}
% \state{Ohio}
% \postcode{43017-6221}
% }

%   \author{Lars Th{\o}rv{\"a}ld}
%   \affiliation{%
%   \institution{The Th{\o}rv{\"a}ld Group}
%   \streetaddress{1 Th{\o}rv{\"a}ld Circle}
%   \city{Hekla}
%   \country{Iceland}}
%   \email{[email protected]}

%   \author{Valerie B\'eranger}
%   \affiliation{%
%   \institution{Inria Paris-Rocquencourt}
%   \city{Rocquencourt}
%   \country{France}
% }

%   \author{Aparna Patel}
%   \affiliation{%
%   \institution{Rajiv Gandhi University}
%   \streetaddress{Rono-Hills}
%   \city{Doimukh}
%   \state{Arunachal Pradesh}
%   \country{India}}

%   \author{Huifen Chan}
%   \affiliation{%
%   \institution{Tsinghua University}
%   \streetaddress{30 Shuangqing Rd}
%   \city{Haidian Qu}
%   \state{Beijing Shi}
%   \country{China}}

%   \author{Charles Palmer}
%   \affiliation{%
%   \institution{Palmer Research Laboratories}
%   \streetaddress{8600 Datapoint Drive}
%   \city{San Antonio}
%   \state{Texas}
%   \postcode{78229}}
%   \email{[email protected]}

%   \author{John Smith}
%   \affiliation{\institution{The Th{\o}rv{\"a}ld Group}}
%   \email{[email protected]}

%   \author{Julius P. Kumquat}
%   \affiliation{\institution{The Kumquat Consortium}}
%   \email{[email protected]}

%%   By default, the full list of authors will be used in the page
%%   headers. Often, this list is too long, and will overlap
%%   other information printed in the page headers. This command allows
%%   the author to define a more concise list
%%   of authors' names for this purpose.
\renewcommand{\shortauthors}{Trovato and Tobin, et al.}

%% The abstract is a short summary of the work to be presented in the
%% article.

%% The code below is generated by the tool at http://dl.acm.org/ccs.cfm.
%% Please copy and paste the code instead of the example below.
% \begin{CCSXML}
%   <ccs2012>
%   <concept>
%   <concept_id>10010520.10010553.10010562</concept_id>
%   <concept_desc>Computer systems organization~Embedded systems</concept_desc>
%   <concept_significance>500</concept_significance>
%   </concept>
%   <concept>
%   <concept_id>10010520.10010575.10010755</concept_id>
%   <concept_desc>Computer systems organization~Redundancy</concept_desc>
%   <concept_significance>300</concept_significance>
%   </concept>
%   <concept>
%   <concept_id>10010520.10010553.10010554</concept_id>
%   <concept_desc>Computer systems organization~Robotics</concept_desc>
%   <concept_significance>100</concept_significance>
%   </concept>
%   <concept>
%   <concept_id>10003033.10003083.10003095</concept_id>
%   <concept_desc>Networks~Network reliability</concept_desc>
%   <concept_significance>100</concept_significance>
%   </concept>
%   </ccs2012>
% \end{CCSXML}

% \ccsdesc[500]{Computer systems organization~Embedded systems}
% \ccsdesc[300]{Computer systems organization~Redundancy}
% \ccsdesc{Computer systems organization~Robotics}
% \ccsdesc[100]{Networks~Network reliability}

%% Keywords. The author(s) should pick words that accurately describe
%% the work being presented. Separate the keywords with commas.
% \keywords{datasets, neural networks, gaze detection, text tagging}

%% A "teaser" image appears between the author and affiliation
%% information and the body of the document, and typically spans the
%% page.
% \begin{teaserfigure}
%   \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{sampleteaser}
%   \caption{Seattle Mariners at Spring Training, 2010.}
%   \Description{Enjoying the baseball game from the third-base
%   seats. Ichiro Suzuki preparing to bat.}
%   \label{fig:teaser}
% \end{teaserfigure}

%% This command processes the author and affiliation and title
%% information and builds the first part of the formatted document.
  \begin{tabular}{@{}c@{ }c@{}}


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我的没有问题,建议你 emacs -Q 对比测试一下,估计是你的配置文件有问题。

emacs -Q搜索没有问题。我把个人搜索配置都注释掉了,还是有问题。可能是使用的Spacemacs的问题。

spacemacs 这种大而全的容易出现各种奇奇怪怪的兼容性问题,建议自己配置

感觉又是奇怪的 ansi-color 相关的问题,可以检查下 compilation-filter-hook 里面是不是挂了奇怪的 hook。


(defun spacemacs-visual/init-ansi-colors ()
 (add-hook 'compilation-filter-hook


1 个赞


1 个赞

嗯,我也怀疑就是这个,忘了把当时在 color-rg 里面的 issue 地址给出来了。doom-emacs 里面也有个类似的鬼。


emacs -Q做了对比测试了吗?




在windows下用cmdproxy确实很讨厌。可是怎么才能让emacs在windows下使用其他的shell来处理命令呢?我试了修改shell-file-name到cygwin的bash,可是运行rg还是无法识别中文。但是bash下运行rg就是可以识别中文的。难道subprocess默认使用cmdproxy了吗? 谢谢

用win10吧, win7 都不维护了



Win10 开Unicode support秒解一切Emacs相关中文编码问题(代价是某些游戏可能会出现编码不兼容)


1 个赞

各位道友,我为什么我win10使用color-rg,总是报错:wrong type argument:stringp,nil这个错误呢?谁能告诉我问题在哪里啊。我系统都重新安装了,之前确定是可以使用的,并且我使用counsel-rg都是可以正常搜索中英文的。

你的问题是 ripgrep 运行的时候编码错误,导致进程输出的字符串无法被Emacs正常分割,你需要研究一下为啥你的编码有问题。
