pyim slow in EXWM buffer, how to find the culprit advice function behind


ad-Advice-read-key-sequence                                                                                       241  46%

下面是profiler report,怎么显示上面这个是那个东西在作怪

- xcb:-connection-filter                                                                                                                512  98%
 - xcb:-process-events                                                                                                                  512  98%
  - apply                                                                                                                               512  98%
   - #<compiled 0x18dc6b5>                                                                                                              512  98%
    - exwm-xim--on-ClientMessage                                                                                                        505  96%
     - exwm-xim--on-request                                                                                                             505  96%
      - pyim-input-method                                                                                                               501  96%
       - if                                                                                                                             501  96%
        - let*                                                                                                                          501  96%
         - unwind-protect                                                                                                               501  96%
          - progn                                                                                                                       501  96%
           - unwind-protect                                                                                                             501  96%
            - let                                                                                                                       501  96%
             - pyim-start-translation                                                                                                   501  96%
              - if                                                                                                                      501  96%
               - let*                                                                                                                   501  96%
                - while                                                                                                                 501  96%
                 - let*                                                                                                                 501  96%
                  + if                                                                                                                  260  49%
                  - read-key-sequence                                                                                                   241  46%
                   - apply                                                                                                              241  46%
                    - ad-Advice-read-key-sequence                                                                                       241  46%
                     - #<subr read-key-sequence>                                                                                        194  37%
                      + xcb:-connection-filter                                                                                           44   8%
                      + timer-event-handler                                                                                              10   1%
                      + redisplay_internal (C function)                                                                                   4   0%


大师,只是一台笔记本上很慢,另外陈大师不知道为啥 pyim-dregcache-get-icode2word-ishortcode2word 不和其他词典文件一样处理, pyim-dregcache-get-icode2word-ishortcode2word好像慢很多。
