1 个赞
没现成的定制选项,不过可修改变量 profiler-report-cpu-line-format
和 profiler-report-memory-line-format
,默认是 50 和 55 个字符宽度。
文档 (elisp) Profiling 有提到 C-u RET
Use a prefix argument (C-u <RET>) to see the whole call tree below a function.
记得这个问题我曾经回答过一次:lsp-ui启动速度问题 - #5,来自 twlz0ne
刚才顺便写了一个 resize 函数:
(defun dotemacs/profile-resize-report-view (&optional width)
"Resize profile report view and set function column width to WIDTH.
If there is no WIDTH input, expand function column to fit `window-width'."
(unless (eq major-mode 'profiler-report-mode)
(signal 'error (list "Not a Profiler Report buffer.")))
(let* ((buffer (current-buffer))
(type (if (string-prefix-p "*CPU-Profiler-Report " (buffer-name)) 'cpu 'memory))
(format-sym (intern (format "profiler-report-%s-line-format" type)))
(profiler-fun (intern (format "profiler-%s-profile" type)))
(width (or width
(read-number "Function column width: "
(pcase (symbol-value format-sym)
(`((,_ left) (,right right . ,_))
(- (window-width) (line-number-display-width) right)))))))
(eval `(let ((,format-sym
'((,width left) ,(cadr (symbol-value format-sym)))))
(switch-to-buffer (profiler-report-setup-buffer (funcall ',profiler-fun)))))
(kill-buffer buffer)))
M-x dotemacs/profile-resize-report-view
1 个赞