基于网上找的一个notify.el修改了一下, 增加了错误通知接口, 另外增加了一个通知后端, 在macos上使用osacript来发送系统通知:
然后再修改magit的进程结束处理函数, 我用的是magit 1.x, 修改比较简单:
--- a/.lisp/magit/magit.el
+++ b/.lisp/magit/magit.el
@@ -2170,7 +2170,16 @@ function can be enriched by magit extension like magit-topgit and magit-svn"
(dired-uncache default-directory)))
(setq magit-process nil)
(magit-set-mode-line-process nil)
- (magit-refresh-buffer magit-process-client-buffer)))
+ (magit-refresh-buffer magit-process-client-buffer)
+ ;;+Added by zhanghj([email protected]) at 13:17 04/26/2019
+ (unless (get-buffer-window magit-process-client-buffer)
+ (let ((repo-dir (with-current-buffer magit-process-client-buffer
+ (magit-get-top-dir default-directory))))
+ (if successp
+ (my-notify "magit result: OK"
+ (format "%s\n------\nrepo: %s" msg repo-dir))
+ (my-notify-critical "magit result: failed"
+ (format "%s\n------\nrepo: %s" msg repo-dir)))))))
(defun magit-password (proc string)
"Checks if git/ssh asks for a password and ask the user for it."
magit 2.x的没怎么用过, 看了一下, 可以尝试修改magit-process-finish函数.
1 个赞
你是基于 EmacsWiki: notify.el 这份源代码修改的吧?
大佬 @jwiegley 有个 alert.el 功能似乎不少(里边还有个基于 frame 的通知功能没实现完):
| Name | Summary |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| fringe | Changes the current frame's fringe background color |
| mode-line | Changes the current frame's mode-line background color |
| gntp | Uses gntp, it requires [gntp.el](https://github.com/tekai/gntp.el) |
| growl | Uses Growl on OS X, if growlnotify is on the PATH |
| ignore | Ignores the alert entirely |
| libnotify | Uses libnotify if notify-send is on the PATH |
| log | Logs the alert text to *Alerts*, with a timestamp |
| message | Uses the Emacs `message` facility |
| notifications | Uses notifications library via D-Bus |
| notifier | Uses terminal-notifier on OS X, if it is on the PATH |
| osx-notifier | Native OSX notification using AppleScript |
| toaster | Use the toast notification system |
| x11 | Changes the urgency property of the window in the X Window System
Emacs 内置了一个 notifications.el 不过依赖 DBUS,在 macOS 下用不了。
还有 terminal-notifier
和 node-notifier
等命令行工具:eshell 一个命令完成时在modeline提醒 - #2,来自 twlz0ne