为什么手动M-x hi-lock-mode没有高亮效果

// FILE: standing.txt
Hi-lock: (("standing\\w*" (0 (quote hi-red-b) prepend)))

I'm still standing.

 emacs -Q standing.txt
 ## manually activate hi-lock-mode
 M-x hi-lock-mode
 ## prompt
 Add patterns from this buffer to hi-lock? (y or n) y


然后修改standing.txt, 然后Specifying File Variables

# -*- eval: (hi-lock-mode 1); -*-
// FILE: standing.txt
Hi-lock: (("standing\\w*" (0 (quote hi-red-b) prepend)))

I'm still standing.

 emacs -Q standing.txt
 ## prompt
 Add patterns from this buffer to hi-lock? (y or n) y


我这能重现。貌似跟 Font Lock Mode 相关,重新开关一次 M-x font-lock-mode 然后会有颜色。