Company: An error occurred in auto-begin
Company: frontend company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend error "Company: backend company-lsp error "Wrong type argument: listp, kind" with args (annotation abspath(path))" on command update
eldoc error: (void-variable capability)
error in process filter: let*: Symbol’s value as variable is void: severity
error in process filter: Symbol’s value as variable is void: severity
Error running timer: (void-variable capability)
company-lsp的错误不谈,我用ivy提示默认的completion-at-point也挺好(completion-at-point可以补全)。主要是那个error in process filter整个把emacs搞的像死机一样卡卡卡。找了半天也没找哪个功能引起的,先用着我的非lsp方案吧。
lsp-mode 写python时,调用lsp-format-buffer,总是报下面的错误:
lsp-format-buffer: Capability not supported by the language server: “documentFormattingProvider”,为什么会不支持,有办法改善一下吗?