写 vue 时 lsp-bridge 没有提示和语法检查,还总是重启
看README底部, 打开调试选项, 提供详细日志。
打开 vue 文件:
Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge--first-start '56939)
Eval in Emacs: (message '"[LSP-Bridge] found language server: /Users/mzy/.nvm/versions/node/v18.19.0/bin/vue-language-server")
Eval in Emacs: (message '"[LSP-Bridge] found language server: /Users/mzy/.nvm/versions/node/v18.19.0/bin/vue-language-server")
Start lsp server (volar) for /Users/mzy/work/traffic
Eval in Emacs: (message '"[LSP-Bridge] Active project 'traffic', enjoy hacking!")
Handlers: [<class 'core.handler.completion.Completion'>,
<class 'core.handler.completion_item.CompletionItem'>,
<class 'core.handler.find_define.FindDefine'>,
<class 'core.handler.find_type_define.FindTypeDefine'>,
<class 'core.handler.find_implementation.FindImplementation'>,
<class 'core.handler.find_references.FindReferences'>,
<class 'core.handler.peek.PeekFindDefine'>,
<class 'core.handler.peek.PeekFindReferences'>,
<class 'core.handler.hover.Hover'>,
<class 'core.handler.signature_help.SignatureHelp'>,
<class 'core.handler.prepare_rename.PrepareRename'>,
<class 'core.handler.rename.Rename'>,
<class 'core.handler.jdt_uri_resolver.JDTUriResolver'>,
<class 'core.handler.deno_uri_resolver.DenoUriResolver'>,
<class 'core.handler.code_action.CodeAction'>,
<class 'core.handler.formatting.Formatting'>,
<class 'core.handler.range_formatting.RangeFormatting'>,
<class 'core.handler.execute_command.ExecuteCommand'>,
<class 'core.handler.workspace_symbol.WorkspaceSymbol'>,
<class 'core.handler.call_hierarchy.PrepareCallHierarchy'>,
<class 'core.handler.call_hierarchy.CallHierarchy'>,
<class 'core.handler.call_hierarchy.PrepareCallHierarchyIncomingCalls'>,
<class 'core.handler.call_hierarchy.PrepareCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls'>,
<class 'core.handler.call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyIncomingCalls'>,
<class 'core.handler.call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyOutgoingCalls'>,
<class 'core.handler.document_symbol.DocumentSymbol'>,
<class 'core.handler.jdtls.jdtls_list_overridable_methods.JdtlsListOverridableMethods'>,
<class 'core.handler.jdtls.jdtls_add_overridable_methods.JdtlsAddOverridableMethods'>,
<class 'core.handler.inlay_hint.InlayHint'>,
<class 'core.handler.semantic_tokens.SemanticTokens'>]
--- [11:38:50.955761] Send initialize request (15741) to 'volar' for project traffic
"id": 15741,
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Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-set-server-names '"/Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue" '"" '("volar"))
--- [11:38:51.241968] Recv response (15741) from 'volar' for project traffic
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--- [11:38:51.242242] Send initialized notification to 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:38:51.299062] Recv workspace/configuration request (0) from 'volar' for project traffic
"method": "initialized",
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"message_type": "notification",
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"method": "workspace/configuration",
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"items": [
"section": "http"
--- [11:38:51.299266] Send workspace/didChangeConfiguration notification to 'volar' for project traffic
"method": "workspace/didChangeConfiguration",
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"settings": {}
"message_type": "notification",
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--- [11:38:51.342167] Send textDocument/didOpen notification to 'volar' for project traffic
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"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
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"text": "<template>\n <div class=\"draw-lanes\">\n <!-- <el-button @click=\"handleZoomIn\">+</el-button> -->\n <!-- <el-button @click=\"handleZoomOut\">-</el-button> -->\n <canvas ref=\"canvasRef\" id=\"canvas\"> Your browser is not suppot canvas </canvas>\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup lang=\"ts\" name=\"DrawLanes\">\n// props:\n// @data: \u6e20\u5316\u56fe\u6570\u636e\n// @bgColor: canvas \u80cc\u666f\u8272, \u9ed8\u8ba4\u503c\u662f \"#04232e\"\n\nimport { ref, Ref, reactive, onMounted, onBeforeUnmount, onUnmounted } from \"vue\";\nimport { Coor, InLink, Lane } from \"@/utils/interface\";\nimport Cdraw from \"@/utils/cdraw\";\nimport { calculateSquareVertices } from \"@/utils/calc\";\n\nconst props = defineProps([\"data\", \"bgColor\"]);\n// const emits = defineEmits([\"add\", \"minus\"]);\nconst roadColor = \"#194359\";\nconst yellowColor = \"#C6B41C\";\nconst whiteColor = \"#AEC8D6\";\nconst canvasBg = \"#04232e\";\n\nconst canvasRef: Ref<HTMLCanvasElement | null> = ref(null);\nlet ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D | null = null;\nlet cdraw: Cdraw;\n\nconst center: Coor = {\n x: 0,\n y: 0\n};\n\nlet squareWidth = 210;\nlet laneWidth = 30;\nlet zebraStripesWidth = laneWidth * 2;\nlet laneLength = squareWidth * 2 - zebraStripesWidth * 1.2;\nlet vertices: Coor[] = [];\n\nonMounted(() => {\n initCanvas();\n window.addEventListener(\"resize\", initCanvas);\n});\n\nonUnmounted(() => window.removeEventListener(\"resize\", initCanvas));\n\nfunction handleZoomIn() {\n laneWidth += 2;\n initCanvas();\n}\n\nfunction handleZoomOut() {\n laneWidth -= 2;\n initCanvas();\n}\n\nfunction drawCross() {\n const firstNode =[0];\n const inLinks: InLink[] = firstNode.inLinks;\n const towardHash = {\n \"0\": \"east\",\n \"1\": \"south\",\n \"2\": \"west\",\n \"3\": \"north\"\n };\n\n // lanes \u6700\u5927\u6570\n const maxLanesCount = Math.max( => item.lanes.length));\n const multiple = Math.floor(maxLanesCount / 2);\n // \u5916\u6b63\u65b9\u5f62\u9876\u70b9\n vertices = calculateSquareVertices(center.x, center.y, squareWidth + laneWidth * multiple * 3);\n const [a, b, c, d] = vertices;\n cdraw.drawShape(a, b, c, d, roadColor);\n\n squareWidth = maxLanesCount * laneWidth;\n inLinks.forEach((item: InLink, index: number) => {\n const laneCount = item.lanes.length;\n item.zebraStripesLength = laneCount * laneWidth;\n\n // 1 2 3 4 - \u897f \u5317 \u4e1c \u5357 - \u5de6 \u4e0a \u53f3 \u4e0b\n // if (index > 1) return;\n const { lanes } = item;\n item.inLinkCount = item.lanes.filter(item => item.toward).length;\n item.outLinkCount = item.lanes.filter(item => !item.toward).length;\n\n lanes.forEach((lane: Lane, i: number) => {\n let edgePos: Coor;\n let lanePosStart: Coor;\n let lanePosEnd: Coor;\n let lineStart: Coor;\n let lineEnd: Coor;\n let zebraStart: Coor;\n let zebraEnd: Coor;\n let laneCount: number = lanes.length - 1;\n\n switch (index) {\n case 0:\n edgePos = {\n x: -(squareWidth / 2) + center.x - zebraStripesWidth,\n y: center.y + item.inLinkCount * laneWidth\n };\n lanePosStart = {\n x: edgePos.x,\n y: edgePos.y + laneWidth / 2 - laneWidth * (i + 1)\n };\n lanePosEnd = {\n x: lanePosStart.x - laneLength,\n y: lanePosStart.y\n };\n lineStart = {\n ...edgePos,\n y: edgePos.y - laneWidth * i\n };\n lineEnd = {\n x: edgePos.x - laneLength,\n y: lineStart.y\n };\n zebraStart = {\n x: edgePos.x + zebraStripesWidth / 2,\n y: edgePos.y\n };\n zebraEnd = {\n x: zebraStart.x,\n y: edgePos.y - item.zebraStripesLength\n };\n break;\n\n case 1:\n edgePos = {\n x: center.x - item.inLinkCount * laneWidth,\n y: center.y - squareWidth / 2 - zebraStripesWidth\n };\n lanePosStart = {\n x: edgePos.x - laneWidth / 2 + laneWidth * (i + 1),\n y: edgePos.y\n };\n lanePosEnd = {\n x: lanePosStart.x,\n y: edgePos.y - laneLength\n };\n lineStart = {\n ...edgePos,\n x: edgePos.x + laneWidth * i\n };\n lineEnd = {\n x: lineStart.x,\n y: lineStart.y - laneLength\n };\n zebraStart = {\n x: edgePos.x,\n y: edgePos.y + zebraStripesWidth / 2\n };\n zebraEnd = {\n x: zebraStart.x + item.zebraStripesLength,\n y: zebraStart.y\n };\n break;\n\n case 2:\n edgePos = {\n x: center.x + squareWidth / 2 + zebraStripesWidth,\n y: center.y - item.inLinkCount * laneWidth\n };\n lanePosStart = {\n x: edgePos.x,\n y: edgePos.y - laneWidth / 2 + laneWidth * (i + 1)\n };\n lanePosEnd = {\n x: lanePosStart.x + laneLength,\n y: lanePosStart.y\n };\n lineStart = {\n ...edgePos,\n y: edgePos.y + laneWidth * i\n };\n lineEnd = {\n x: edgePos.x + laneLength,\n y: lineStart.y\n };\n zebraStart = {\n x: edgePos.x - zebraStripesWidth / 2,\n y: edgePos.y\n };\n zebraEnd = {\n x: zebraStart.x,\n y: edgePos.y + item.zebraStripesLength\n };\n break;\n\n default:\n edgePos = {\n x: center.x + item.inLinkCount * laneWidth,\n y: center.y + squareWidth / 2 + zebraStripesWidth\n };\n lanePosStart = {\n x: edgePos.x + laneWidth / 2 - laneWidth * (i + 1),\n y: edgePos.y\n };\n lanePosEnd = {\n x: lanePosStart.x,\n y: edgePos.y + laneLength\n };\n lineStart = {\n ...edgePos,\n x: edgePos.x - laneWidth * i\n };\n lineEnd = {\n x: lineStart.x,\n y: lineStart.y + laneLength\n };\n // zebraStripesWidth\n zebraStart = {\n x: edgePos.x,\n y: edgePos.y - zebraStripesWidth / 2\n };\n zebraEnd = {\n x: zebraStart.x - item.zebraStripesLength,\n y: zebraStart.y\n };\n }\n\n // cdraw.drawCircle(edgePos, 30, 'cyan');\n lane.logoPos = lanePosStart;\n lane.edgePos = edgePos;\n // draw lane\n cdraw.drawLine(lanePosStart, lanePosEnd, roadColor, laneWidth);\n if (i !== 0) {\n // \u5982\u679c\u524d\u4e00\u4e2a lane \u6709 toward \u5f53\u524d\u7684 lane \u6ca1\u6709\u5219\u662f\u9ec4\u7ebf\n const previousLane = i === 0 ? lanes[0] : lanes[i - 1];\n const isYellow = !!previousLane.toward && !lane.toward;\n drawLaneLine(lineStart, lineEnd, isYellow, !lane.toward);\n }\n drawZebra(zebraStart, zebraEnd);\n\n if (lane.toward && lane.logoPos) {\n const toward = towardHash[index];\n const prefix = toward[0];\n const image = new URL(`../../assets/lanes/${toward}/${prefix}-${lane.toward}.png`, import.meta.url).href;\n renderImage(image, lane.logoPos, toward);\n }\n });\n });\n\n // cdraw.drawASquare(center, squareWidth, 'red');\n\n // \u6247\u5f62\u533a\u57df\n const insideVertices = calculateSquareVertices(center.x, center.y, squareWidth);\n const laneStartAndEnd =, vindex) => {\n const { inLinkCount, outLinkCount } = inLinks[vindex];\n const nextInLink = vindex === 3 ? inLinks[0] : inLinks[vindex + 1];\n const { edgePos } = nextInLink.lanes[0];\n let b: Coor;\n let c: Coor;\n let d: Coor;\n const doubleLW = laneWidth * 2;\n // \u6839\u636e\u5916\u9876\u70b9\u8fde\u63a5\u8def\u5bbd\n switch (vindex) {\n case 0:\n b = {\n x: v.x,\n y: center.y - laneWidth * outLinkCount\n };\n c = {\n x: edgePos.x,\n y: b.y\n };\n d = {\n x: c.x,\n y: v.y\n };\n return { a: v, b, c, d };\n case 1:\n b = {\n x: center.x + laneWidth * outLinkCount,\n y: v.y\n };\n c = {\n x: b.x,\n y: edgePos.y\n };\n d = {\n x: v.x,\n y: c.y\n };\n return { a: v, b, c, d };\n case 2:\n b = {\n x: v.x,\n y: center.y + laneWidth * outLinkCount\n };\n c = {\n x: edgePos.x,\n y: b.y\n };\n d = {\n x: c.x,\n y: v.y\n };\n return { a: v, b, c, d };\n default:\n b = {\n x: center.x - laneWidth * outLinkCount,\n y: v.y\n };\n c = {\n x: b.x,\n y: edgePos.y\n };\n d = {\n x: v.x - 100,\n y: c.y\n };\n return { a: v, b, c, d };\n }\n });\n\n ctx.beginPath();\n const radius = laneWidth * 2;\n laneStartAndEnd.forEach((item, itemIndex) => {\n const { a, b, c, d } = item;\n // cdraw.drawCircle(b, 18, 'blue');\n // cdraw.drawCircle(c, 18, 'cyan');\n // cdraw.drawCircle(d, 18, 'red');\n const curInsideVertice = insideVertices[itemIndex];\n const { x: insideX, y: insideY } = c;\n ctx.moveTo(a.x, a.y);\n ctx.lineTo(b.x, b.y);\n ctx.arcTo(c.x, c.y, d.x, d.y, laneWidth * multiple);\n ctx.lineTo(d.x, d.y);\n ctx.fillStyle = props.bgColor ?? canvasBg;\n // ctx.fillStyle = 'green';\n ctx.fill();\n });\n}\n\nfunction drawLaneLine(start: Coor, end: Coor, isYellow: boolean = false, isDash: boolean) {\n const c = ctx!;\n c.setLineDash(!isDash ? [] : [10, 10]);\n if (isYellow) {\n c.setLineDash([]);\n }\n cdraw.drawLine(start, end, isYellow ? yellowColor : whiteColor, 2);\n c.setLineDash([]);\n}\n\nfunction renderImage(path: string, pos: Coor, dir: \"east\" | \"west\" | \"south\" | \"north\") {\n const width = laneWidth * 0.7;\n const height = laneWidth * 0.7;\n const hash = {\n west: {\n x: pos.x + width,\n y: pos.y - height / 2\n },\n south: {\n x: pos.x - width / 2,\n y: pos.y - height * 2\n },\n east: {\n x: pos.x - width * 2,\n y: pos.y - height / 2\n },\n north: {\n x: pos.x - width / 2,\n y: pos.y + height\n }\n };\n const img = new Image();\n img.src = path;\n img.onload = function () {\n ctx!.drawImage(img, hash[dir].x, hash[dir].y, width, height);\n };\n}\n\nfunction initCanvas() {\n const canvas = document.querySelector(\"#canvas\") as HTMLCanvasElement;\n = props.bgColor ?? canvasBg;\n cdraw = new Cdraw(canvas);\n\n if (!canvasRef?.value?.offsetWidth) {\n console.log(\"no offsetWidth\");\n return;\n }\n\n canvas.width = (canvasRef.value as HTMLCanvasElement).offsetWidth;\n canvas.height = (canvasRef.value as HTMLCanvasElement).offsetHeight;\n ctx = canvas.getContext(\"2d\") as CanvasRenderingContext2D;\n center.x = canvas.width / 2;\n center.y = canvas.height / 2;\n laneWidth = canvas.width / 40;\n zebraStripesWidth = laneWidth * 2;\n laneLength = squareWidth * 2 - zebraStripesWidth * 1.2;\n drawCross();\n}\n\nfunction drawZebra(start: Coor, end: Coor) {\n // ctx!.setLineDash([8, 10]);\n ctx!.setLineDash([laneWidth / 4, laneWidth / 3]);\n cdraw.drawLine(start, end, whiteColor, zebraStripesWidth / 2);\n ctx!.setLineDash([]);\n ctx!.lineWidth = 1;\n}\n\n// defineExpose({\n// initCanvas\n// });\n</script>\n\n<style scoped lang=\"scss\">\n.draw-lanes {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n}\n#canvas {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n border: 1px solid #235773;\n}\n</style>\n"
"message_type": "notification",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
--- [11:38:51.668072] Recv workspace/configuration request (1) from 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:38:51.962031] Send response to server request 0 to 'volar' for project traffic
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
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"method": "workspace/configuration",
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"section": "css.customData"
"id": 0,
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--- [11:38:51.962563] Send response to server request 1 to 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:38:51.976016] Recv workspace/configuration request (2) from 'volar' for project traffic
"id": 1,
"result": [
"message_type": "response",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
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"method": "workspace/configuration",
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"section": "scss"
--- [11:38:52.019867] Send response to server request 2 to 'volar' for project traffic
"id": 2,
"result": [
"message_type": "response",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
--- [11:38:52.034434] Recv textDocument/publishDiagnostics notification from 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:38:52.034641] Record diagnostics from 'volar' for file index.vue
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
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"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
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--- [11:38:52.035107] Recv textDocument/publishDiagnostics notification from 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:38:52.078583] Record diagnostics from 'volar' for file index.vue
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
"params": {
"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
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"version": 0
Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-diagnostic--render '"/Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue" '"" '() '0)
--- [11:39:51.412247] Send textDocument/didChange notification to 'volar' for project traffic
"method": "textDocument/didChange",
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"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
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Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-search-backend--record-items '"search-file-words" '())
--- [11:39:51.573639] Send textDocument/completion request (10618) to 'volar' for project traffic
"id": 10618,
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"line": 85,
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--- [11:39:51.590090] Recv textDocument/completion response (10618) from 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:39:51.590184] Got completion candidates (0) from 'volar' for file index.vue
--- [11:39:51.590206] Record completion candidates (0) from 'volar' for file index.vue
Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-completion--record-items '"/Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue" '"" '() '(:line 85 :character 1) '"volar" '("*" "/" "-" ":" "\"" "." "<" "=" "@" ">" "+" "^" "(" ")" "#" "[" "]" "$" "{" "}") '("volar"))
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
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"isIncomplete": false,
"items": []
--- [11:39:51.671852] Recv textDocument/publishDiagnostics notification from 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:39:51.671925] Record diagnostics from 'volar' for file index.vue
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
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"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
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"version": 1
--- [11:39:51.672082] Recv textDocument/publishDiagnostics notification from 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:39:51.672097] Record diagnostics from 'volar' for file index.vue
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
"params": {
"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
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"version": 1
Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-search-backend--record-items '"search-file-words" '((:key "cdraw" :icon "search" :label "cdraw" :displayLabel "cdraw" :annotation "Search Word" :backend "search-file-words") (:key "cdraw" :icon "search" :label "cdraw" :displayLabel "cdraw" :annotation "Search Word" :backend "search-file-words")))
--- [11:39:51.704106] Send textDocument/didChange notification to 'volar' for project traffic
"method": "textDocument/didChange",
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"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
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"line": 85,
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Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-search-backend--record-items '"search-file-words" '((:key "cdraw" :icon "search" :label "cdraw" :displayLabel "cdraw" :annotation "Search Word" :backend "search-file-words") (:key "cdraw" :icon "search" :label "cdraw" :displayLabel "cdraw" :annotation "Search Word" :backend "search-file-words")))
--- [11:39:51.768565] Send textDocument/didChange notification to 'volar' for project traffic
"method": "textDocument/didChange",
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"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
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Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-search-backend--record-items '"search-file-words" '((:key "cdraw" :icon "search" :label "cdraw" :displayLabel "cdraw" :annotation "Search Word" :backend "search-file-words") (:key "cdraw" :icon "search" :label "cdraw" :displayLabel "cdraw" :annotation "Search Word" :backend "search-file-words")))
--- [11:39:51.913473] Send textDocument/completion request (13139) to 'volar' for project traffic
"id": 13139,
"method": "textDocument/completion",
"params": {
"position": {
"line": 85,
"character": 3
"context": {
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"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue"
"message_type": "request",
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--- [11:39:51.913648] Send textDocument/didChange notification to 'volar' for project traffic
"method": "textDocument/didChange",
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"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
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"jsonrpc": "2.0"
--- [11:39:51.921437] Recv textDocument/completion response (13139) from 'volar' for project traffic
Discard response: file changed since last request
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 13139,
"result": {
"isIncomplete": false,
"items": []
--- [11:39:51.995873] Send textDocument/completion request (53116) to 'volar' for project traffic
"id": 53116,
"method": "textDocument/completion",
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"line": 85,
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"context": {
"triggerKind": 1
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"jsonrpc": "2.0"
--- [11:39:51.998096] Recv textDocument/completion response (53116) from 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:39:51.998153] Got completion candidates (0) from 'volar' for file index.vue
--- [11:39:51.998169] Record completion candidates (0) from 'volar' for file index.vue
Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-completion--record-items '"/Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue" '"" '() '(:line 85 :character 4) '"volar" '("*" "/" "-" ":" "\"" "." "<" "=" "@" ">" "+" "^" "(" ")" "#" "[" "]" "$" "{" "}") '("volar"))
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 53116,
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"isIncomplete": false,
"items": []
Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-search-backend--record-items '"search-file-words" '((:key "cdraw" :icon "search" :label "cdraw" :displayLabel "cdraw" :annotation "Search Word" :backend "search-file-words") (:key "cdraw" :icon "search" :label "cdraw" :displayLabel "cdraw" :annotation "Search Word" :backend "search-file-words")))
--- [11:39:52.060526] Send textDocument/didChange notification to 'volar' for project traffic
"method": "textDocument/didChange",
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--- [11:39:52.165603] Send textDocument/completion request (44983) to 'volar' for project traffic
"id": 44983,
"method": "textDocument/completion",
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"position": {
"line": 85,
"character": 5
"context": {
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"textDocument": {
"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue"
"message_type": "request",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-diagnostic--render '"/Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue" '"" '() '0)
--- [11:39:52.175449] Recv textDocument/completion response (44983) from 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:39:52.175498] Got completion candidates (0) from 'volar' for file index.vue
--- [11:39:52.175515] Record completion candidates (0) from 'volar' for file index.vue
Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-completion--record-items '"/Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue" '"" '() '(:line 85 :character 5) '"volar" '("*" "/" "-" ":" "\"" "." "<" "=" "@" ">" "+" "^" "(" ")" "#" "[" "]" "$" "{" "}") '("volar"))
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 44983,
"result": {
"isIncomplete": false,
"items": []
--- [11:39:52.319550] Recv textDocument/publishDiagnostics notification from 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:39:52.319676] Record diagnostics from 'volar' for file index.vue
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
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"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
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"version": 5
--- [11:39:52.319904] Recv textDocument/publishDiagnostics notification from 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:39:52.319935] Record diagnostics from 'volar' for file index.vue
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
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"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
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"version": 5
--- [11:39:52.600859] Send textDocument/signatureHelp request (40886) to 'volar' for project traffic
"id": 40886,
"method": "textDocument/signatureHelp",
"params": {
"position": {
"line": 85,
"character": 5
"textDocument": {
"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue"
"message_type": "request",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
--- [11:39:52.603231] Recv textDocument/signatureHelp response (40886) from 'volar' for project traffic
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 40886,
"result": null
Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-diagnostic--render '"/Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue" '"" '() '0)
Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-search-backend--record-items '"search-file-words" '())
--- [11:39:52.863369] Send textDocument/didChange notification to 'volar' for project traffic
"method": "textDocument/didChange",
"params": {
"textDocument": {
"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
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--- [11:39:52.968380] Send textDocument/completion request (17026) to 'volar' for project traffic
"id": 17026,
"method": "textDocument/completion",
"params": {
"position": {
"line": 85,
"character": 6
"context": {
"triggerCharacter": ".",
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"textDocument": {
"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue"
"message_type": "request",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
--- [11:39:52.974743] Recv textDocument/completion response (17026) from 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:39:52.981678] Got completion candidates (0) from 'volar' for file index.vue
--- [11:39:52.981715] Record completion candidates (0) from 'volar' for file index.vue
Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-completion--record-items '"/Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue" '"" '() '(:line 85 :character 6) '"volar" '("*" "/" "-" ":" "\"" "." "<" "=" "@" ">" "+" "^" "(" ")" "#" "[" "]" "$" "{" "}") '("volar"))
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 17026,
"result": {
"isIncomplete": false,
"items": []
--- [11:39:53.122640] Recv textDocument/publishDiagnostics notification from 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:39:53.122749] Record diagnostics from 'volar' for file index.vue
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
"params": {
"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
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"version": 6
--- [11:39:53.123031] Recv textDocument/publishDiagnostics notification from 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:39:53.123096] Record diagnostics from 'volar' for file index.vue
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
"params": {
"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
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--- [11:39:53.481555] Send textDocument/signatureHelp request (56326) to 'volar' for project traffic
"id": 56326,
"method": "textDocument/signatureHelp",
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"position": {
"line": 85,
"character": 6
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"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue"
"message_type": "request",
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--- [11:39:53.484342] Recv textDocument/signatureHelp response (56326) from 'volar' for project traffic
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 56326,
"result": null
Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-diagnostic--render '"/Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue" '"" '() '0)
--- [11:42:07.340993] Send textDocument/didClose notification to 'volar' for project traffic
"method": "textDocument/didClose",
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"textDocument": {
"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue"
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--- [11:42:07.341134] Send shutdown request (41021) to 'volar' for project traffic
"id": 41021,
"method": "shutdown",
"params": {},
"message_type": "request",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
--- [11:42:07.341247] Exit server /Users/mzy/work/traffic#volar
--- [11:42:07.341282] Send exit notification to 'volar' for project traffic
"method": "exit",
"params": {},
"message_type": "notification",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
--- [11:42:07.343620] LSP server 'volar' exited with code -9
Eval in Emacs: (message '"[LSP-Bridge] found language server: /Users/mzy/.nvm/versions/node/v18.19.0/bin/vue-language-server")
Eval in Emacs: (message '"[LSP-Bridge] found language server: /Users/mzy/.nvm/versions/node/v18.19.0/bin/vue-language-server")
Start lsp server (volar) for /Users/mzy/work/traffic
Eval in Emacs: (message '"[LSP-Bridge] Active project 'traffic', enjoy hacking!")
Handlers: [<class 'core.handler.completion.Completion'>,
<class 'core.handler.completion_item.CompletionItem'>,
<class 'core.handler.find_define.FindDefine'>,
<class 'core.handler.find_type_define.FindTypeDefine'>,
<class 'core.handler.find_implementation.FindImplementation'>,
<class 'core.handler.find_references.FindReferences'>,
<class 'core.handler.peek.PeekFindDefine'>,
<class 'core.handler.peek.PeekFindReferences'>,
<class 'core.handler.hover.Hover'>,
<class 'core.handler.signature_help.SignatureHelp'>,
<class 'core.handler.prepare_rename.PrepareRename'>,
<class 'core.handler.rename.Rename'>,
<class 'core.handler.jdt_uri_resolver.JDTUriResolver'>,
<class 'core.handler.deno_uri_resolver.DenoUriResolver'>,
<class 'core.handler.code_action.CodeAction'>,
<class 'core.handler.formatting.Formatting'>,
<class 'core.handler.range_formatting.RangeFormatting'>,
<class 'core.handler.execute_command.ExecuteCommand'>,
<class 'core.handler.workspace_symbol.WorkspaceSymbol'>,
<class 'core.handler.call_hierarchy.PrepareCallHierarchy'>,
<class 'core.handler.call_hierarchy.CallHierarchy'>,
<class 'core.handler.call_hierarchy.PrepareCallHierarchyIncomingCalls'>,
<class 'core.handler.call_hierarchy.PrepareCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls'>,
<class 'core.handler.call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyIncomingCalls'>,
<class 'core.handler.call_hierarchy.CallHierarchyOutgoingCalls'>,
<class 'core.handler.document_symbol.DocumentSymbol'>,
<class 'core.handler.jdtls.jdtls_list_overridable_methods.JdtlsListOverridableMethods'>,
<class 'core.handler.jdtls.jdtls_add_overridable_methods.JdtlsAddOverridableMethods'>,
<class 'core.handler.inlay_hint.InlayHint'>,
<class 'core.handler.semantic_tokens.SemanticTokens'>]
--- [11:42:07.447341] Send initialize request (23108) to 'volar' for project traffic
"id": 23108,
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Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-set-server-names '"/Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue" '"" '("volar"))
--- [11:42:07.786194] Recv response (23108) from 'volar' for project traffic
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
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--- [11:42:07.786425] Send initialized notification to 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:42:07.850944] Recv workspace/configuration request (0) from 'volar' for project traffic
"method": "initialized",
"params": {},
"message_type": "notification",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
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"method": "workspace/configuration",
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"items": [
"section": "http"
--- [11:42:07.851099] Send workspace/didChangeConfiguration notification to 'volar' for project traffic
"method": "workspace/didChangeConfiguration",
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"settings": {}
"message_type": "notification",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
--- [11:42:07.913904] Send textDocument/didOpen notification to 'volar' for project traffic
"method": "textDocument/didOpen",
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"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
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"text": "<template>\n <div class=\"draw-lanes\">\n <!-- <el-button @click=\"handleZoomIn\">+</el-button> -->\n <!-- <el-button @click=\"handleZoomOut\">-</el-button> -->\n <canvas ref=\"canvasRef\" id=\"canvas\"> Your browser is not suppot canvas </canvas>\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup lang=\"ts\" name=\"DrawLanes\">\n// props:\n// @data: \u6e20\u5316\u56fe\u6570\u636e\n// @bgColor: canvas \u80cc\u666f\u8272, \u9ed8\u8ba4\u503c\u662f \"#04232e\"\n\nimport { ref, Ref, reactive, onMounted, onBeforeUnmount, onUnmounted } from \"vue\";\nimport { Coor, InLink, Lane } from \"@/utils/interface\";\nimport Cdraw from \"@/utils/cdraw\";\nimport { calculateSquareVertices } from \"@/utils/calc\";\n\nconst props = defineProps([\"data\", \"bgColor\"]);\n// const emits = defineEmits([\"add\", \"minus\"]);\nconst roadColor = \"#194359\";\nconst yellowColor = \"#C6B41C\";\nconst whiteColor = \"#AEC8D6\";\nconst canvasBg = \"#04232e\";\n\nconst canvasRef: Ref<HTMLCanvasElement | null> = ref(null);\nlet ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D | null = null;\nlet cdraw: Cdraw;\n\nconst center: Coor = {\n x: 0,\n y: 0\n};\n\nlet squareWidth = 210;\nlet laneWidth = 30;\nlet zebraStripesWidth = laneWidth * 2;\nlet laneLength = squareWidth * 2 - zebraStripesWidth * 1.2;\nlet vertices: Coor[] = [];\n\nonMounted(() => {\n initCanvas();\n window.addEventListener(\"resize\", initCanvas);\n});\n\nonUnmounted(() => window.removeEventListener(\"resize\", initCanvas));\n\nfunction handleZoomIn() {\n laneWidth += 2;\n initCanvas();\n}\n\nfunction handleZoomOut() {\n laneWidth -= 2;\n initCanvas();\n}\n\nfunction drawCross() {\n const firstNode =[0];\n const inLinks: InLink[] = firstNode.inLinks;\n const towardHash = {\n \"0\": \"east\",\n \"1\": \"south\",\n \"2\": \"west\",\n \"3\": \"north\"\n };\n\n // lanes \u6700\u5927\u6570\n const maxLanesCount = Math.max( => item.lanes.length));\n const multiple = Math.floor(maxLanesCount / 2);\n // \u5916\u6b63\u65b9\u5f62\u9876\u70b9\n vertices = calculateSquareVertices(center.x, center.y, squareWidth + laneWidth * multiple * 3);\n const [a, b, c, d] = vertices;\n cdraw.drawShape(a, b, c, d, roadColor);\n\n squareWidth = maxLanesCount * laneWidth;\n inLinks.forEach((item: InLink, index: number) => {\n const laneCount = item.lanes.length;\n item.zebraStripesLength = laneCount * laneWidth;\n\n // 1 2 3 4 - \u897f \u5317 \u4e1c \u5357 - \u5de6 \u4e0a \u53f3 \u4e0b\n // if (index > 1) return;\n const { lanes } = item;\n item.inLinkCount = item.lanes.filter(item => item.toward).length;\n item.outLinkCount = item.lanes.filter(item => !item.toward).length;\n lanes.forEach((lane: Lane, i: number) => {\n let edgePos: Coor;\n let lanePosStart: Coor;\n let lanePosEnd: Coor;\n let lineStart: Coor;\n let lineEnd: Coor;\n let zebraStart: Coor;\n let zebraEnd: Coor;\n let laneCount: number = lanes.length - 1;\n\n switch (index) {\n case 0:\n edgePos = {\n x: -(squareWidth / 2) + center.x - zebraStripesWidth,\n y: center.y + item.inLinkCount * laneWidth\n };\n lanePosStart = {\n x: edgePos.x,\n y: edgePos.y + laneWidth / 2 - laneWidth * (i + 1)\n };\n lanePosEnd = {\n x: lanePosStart.x - laneLength,\n y: lanePosStart.y\n };\n lineStart = {\n ...edgePos,\n y: edgePos.y - laneWidth * i\n };\n lineEnd = {\n x: edgePos.x - laneLength,\n y: lineStart.y\n };\n zebraStart = {\n x: edgePos.x + zebraStripesWidth / 2,\n y: edgePos.y\n };\n zebraEnd = {\n x: zebraStart.x,\n y: edgePos.y - item.zebraStripesLength\n };\n break;\n\n case 1:\n edgePos = {\n x: center.x - item.inLinkCount * laneWidth,\n y: center.y - squareWidth / 2 - zebraStripesWidth\n };\n lanePosStart = {\n x: edgePos.x - laneWidth / 2 + laneWidth * (i + 1),\n y: edgePos.y\n };\n lanePosEnd = {\n x: lanePosStart.x,\n y: edgePos.y - laneLength\n };\n lineStart = {\n ...edgePos,\n x: edgePos.x + laneWidth * i\n };\n lineEnd = {\n x: lineStart.x,\n y: lineStart.y - laneLength\n };\n zebraStart = {\n x: edgePos.x,\n y: edgePos.y + zebraStripesWidth / 2\n };\n zebraEnd = {\n x: zebraStart.x + item.zebraStripesLength,\n y: zebraStart.y\n };\n break;\n\n case 2:\n edgePos = {\n x: center.x + squareWidth / 2 + zebraStripesWidth,\n y: center.y - item.inLinkCount * laneWidth\n };\n lanePosStart = {\n x: edgePos.x,\n y: edgePos.y - laneWidth / 2 + laneWidth * (i + 1)\n };\n lanePosEnd = {\n x: lanePosStart.x + laneLength,\n y: lanePosStart.y\n };\n lineStart = {\n ...edgePos,\n y: edgePos.y + laneWidth * i\n };\n lineEnd = {\n x: edgePos.x + laneLength,\n y: lineStart.y\n };\n zebraStart = {\n x: edgePos.x - zebraStripesWidth / 2,\n y: edgePos.y\n };\n zebraEnd = {\n x: zebraStart.x,\n y: edgePos.y + item.zebraStripesLength\n };\n break;\n\n default:\n edgePos = {\n x: center.x + item.inLinkCount * laneWidth,\n y: center.y + squareWidth / 2 + zebraStripesWidth\n };\n lanePosStart = {\n x: edgePos.x + laneWidth / 2 - laneWidth * (i + 1),\n y: edgePos.y\n };\n lanePosEnd = {\n x: lanePosStart.x,\n y: edgePos.y + laneLength\n };\n lineStart = {\n ...edgePos,\n x: edgePos.x - laneWidth * i\n };\n lineEnd = {\n x: lineStart.x,\n y: lineStart.y + laneLength\n };\n // zebraStripesWidth\n zebraStart = {\n x: edgePos.x,\n y: edgePos.y - zebraStripesWidth / 2\n };\n zebraEnd = {\n x: zebraStart.x - item.zebraStripesLength,\n y: zebraStart.y\n };\n }\n\n // cdraw.drawCircle(edgePos, 30, 'cyan');\n lane.logoPos = lanePosStart;\n lane.edgePos = edgePos;\n // draw lane\n cdraw.drawLine(lanePosStart, lanePosEnd, roadColor, laneWidth);\n if (i !== 0) {\n // \u5982\u679c\u524d\u4e00\u4e2a lane \u6709 toward \u5f53\u524d\u7684 lane \u6ca1\u6709\u5219\u662f\u9ec4\u7ebf\n const previousLane = i === 0 ? lanes[0] : lanes[i - 1];\n const isYellow = !!previousLane.toward && !lane.toward;\n drawLaneLine(lineStart, lineEnd, isYellow, !lane.toward);\n }\n drawZebra(zebraStart, zebraEnd);\n\n if (lane.toward && lane.logoPos) {\n const toward = towardHash[index];\n const prefix = toward[0];\n const image = new URL(`../../assets/lanes/${toward}/${prefix}-${lane.toward}.png`, import.meta.url).href;\n renderImage(image, lane.logoPos, toward);\n }\n });\n });\n\n // cdraw.drawASquare(center, squareWidth, 'red');\n\n // \u6247\u5f62\u533a\u57df\n const insideVertices = calculateSquareVertices(center.x, center.y, squareWidth);\n const laneStartAndEnd =, vindex) => {\n const { inLinkCount, outLinkCount } = inLinks[vindex];\n const nextInLink = vindex === 3 ? inLinks[0] : inLinks[vindex + 1];\n const { edgePos } = nextInLink.lanes[0];\n let b: Coor;\n let c: Coor;\n let d: Coor;\n const doubleLW = laneWidth * 2;\n // \u6839\u636e\u5916\u9876\u70b9\u8fde\u63a5\u8def\u5bbd\n switch (vindex) {\n case 0:\n b = {\n x: v.x,\n y: center.y - laneWidth * outLinkCount\n };\n c = {\n x: edgePos.x,\n y: b.y\n };\n d = {\n x: c.x,\n y: v.y\n };\n return { a: v, b, c, d };\n case 1:\n b = {\n x: center.x + laneWidth * outLinkCount,\n y: v.y\n };\n c = {\n x: b.x,\n y: edgePos.y\n };\n d = {\n x: v.x,\n y: c.y\n };\n return { a: v, b, c, d };\n case 2:\n b = {\n x: v.x,\n y: center.y + laneWidth * outLinkCount\n };\n c = {\n x: edgePos.x,\n y: b.y\n };\n d = {\n x: c.x,\n y: v.y\n };\n return { a: v, b, c, d };\n default:\n b = {\n x: center.x - laneWidth * outLinkCount,\n y: v.y\n };\n c = {\n x: b.x,\n y: edgePos.y\n };\n d = {\n x: v.x - 100,\n y: c.y\n };\n return { a: v, b, c, d };\n }\n });\n\n ctx.beginPath();\n const radius = laneWidth * 2;\n laneStartAndEnd.forEach((item, itemIndex) => {\n const { a, b, c, d } = item;\n // cdraw.drawCircle(b, 18, 'blue');\n // cdraw.drawCircle(c, 18, 'cyan');\n // cdraw.drawCircle(d, 18, 'red');\n const curInsideVertice = insideVertices[itemIndex];\n const { x: insideX, y: insideY } = c;\n ctx.moveTo(a.x, a.y);\n ctx.lineTo(b.x, b.y);\n ctx.arcTo(c.x, c.y, d.x, d.y, laneWidth * multiple);\n ctx.lineTo(d.x, d.y);\n ctx.fillStyle = props.bgColor ?? canvasBg;\n // ctx.fillStyle = 'green';\n ctx.fill();\n });\n}\n\nfunction drawLaneLine(start: Coor, end: Coor, isYellow: boolean = false, isDash: boolean) {\n const c = ctx!;\n c.setLineDash(!isDash ? [] : [10, 10]);\n if (isYellow) {\n c.setLineDash([]);\n }\n cdraw.drawLine(start, end, isYellow ? yellowColor : whiteColor, 2);\n c.setLineDash([]);\n}\n\nfunction renderImage(path: string, pos: Coor, dir: \"east\" | \"west\" | \"south\" | \"north\") {\n const width = laneWidth * 0.7;\n const height = laneWidth * 0.7;\n const hash = {\n west: {\n x: pos.x + width,\n y: pos.y - height / 2\n },\n south: {\n x: pos.x - width / 2,\n y: pos.y - height * 2\n },\n east: {\n x: pos.x - width * 2,\n y: pos.y - height / 2\n },\n north: {\n x: pos.x - width / 2,\n y: pos.y + height\n }\n };\n const img = new Image();\n img.src = path;\n img.onload = function () {\n ctx!.drawImage(img, hash[dir].x, hash[dir].y, width, height);\n };\n}\n\nfunction initCanvas() {\n const canvas = document.querySelector(\"#canvas\") as HTMLCanvasElement;\n = props.bgColor ?? canvasBg;\n cdraw = new Cdraw(canvas);\n\n if (!canvasRef?.value?.offsetWidth) {\n console.log(\"no offsetWidth\");\n return;\n }\n\n canvas.width = (canvasRef.value as HTMLCanvasElement).offsetWidth;\n canvas.height = (canvasRef.value as HTMLCanvasElement).offsetHeight;\n ctx = canvas.getContext(\"2d\") as CanvasRenderingContext2D;\n center.x = canvas.width / 2;\n center.y = canvas.height / 2;\n laneWidth = canvas.width / 40;\n zebraStripesWidth = laneWidth * 2;\n laneLength = squareWidth * 2 - zebraStripesWidth * 1.2;\n drawCross();\n}\n\nfunction drawZebra(start: Coor, end: Coor) {\n // ctx!.setLineDash([8, 10]);\n ctx!.setLineDash([laneWidth / 4, laneWidth / 3]);\n cdraw.drawLine(start, end, whiteColor, zebraStripesWidth / 2);\n ctx!.setLineDash([]);\n ctx!.lineWidth = 1;\n}\n\n// defineExpose({\n// initCanvas\n// });\n</script>\n\n<style scoped lang=\"scss\">\n.draw-lanes {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n}\n#canvas {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n border: 1px solid #235773;\n}\n</style>\n"
"message_type": "notification",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
--- [11:42:08.215350] Recv workspace/configuration request (1) from 'volar' for project traffic
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "workspace/configuration",
"params": {
"items": [
"section": "css.customData"
--- [11:42:08.760797] Send textDocument/didSave notification to 'volar' for project traffic
"method": "textDocument/didSave",
"params": {
"textDocument": {
"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue"
"message_type": "notification",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
--- [11:42:08.807980] Send response to server request 0 to 'volar' for project traffic
"id": 0,
"result": [
"message_type": "response",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
--- [11:42:08.808077] Send response to server request 1 to 'volar' for project traffic
"id": 1,
"result": [
"message_type": "response",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
--- [11:42:08.813207] Recv workspace/configuration request (2) from 'volar' for project traffic
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 2,
"method": "workspace/configuration",
"params": {
"items": [
"section": "scss"
--- [11:42:08.813337] Send response to server request 2 to 'volar' for project traffic
"id": 2,
"result": [
"message_type": "response",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
--- [11:42:08.821826] Recv textDocument/publishDiagnostics notification from 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:42:08.888344] Record diagnostics from 'volar' for file index.vue
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
"params": {
"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
"diagnostics": [],
"version": 0
--- [11:42:08.888610] Recv textDocument/publishDiagnostics notification from 'volar' for project traffic
--- [11:42:08.888638] Record diagnostics from 'volar' for file index.vue
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
"params": {
"uri": "file:///Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue",
"diagnostics": [],
"version": 0
Eval in Emacs: (lsp-bridge-diagnostic--render '"/Users/mzy/work/traffic/src/components/DrawLanes/index.vue" '"" '() '0)
*** lsp-bridge-try-completion execute predicate 'lsp-bridge-not-delete-command' failed with result: 'nil'
你的 vue 项目, npm install; npm build 这些都操作了吧?
都操作了,也找到原因了,我用16.13.2的 node 就行,18 的就会这样
我在切到 18 的版本也安装了那些需要的 npm 包,不知道为什么就不行
好, 解决就行了, volar 确实是 LSP server 界里的扛把子。
lsp-bridge 补全能在类似无 file 的 buffer 内比如 *scratch*
内生效吗,我经常要临时性的写一些测试的 code,比如切换到 js-ts-mode
, 写一些console.log
之类的,但是 lsp server没启动,写elisp不依赖lsp倒是没问题,写其他的 mode 就不行了
emacs -Q先测试下?
;; minimal config
(require 'lsp-bridge)
(push 'html-mode-hook lsp-bridge-default-mode-hooks)
(push '((html-mode) . "html_emmet") lsp-bridge-multi-lang-server-mode-list)
emacs start, 新建一个html文件,切换到 html-mode
, 输入即可查看,比如 试图fuzzy搜索 display 属性但失败。
h1 {
dsp ...
我推送了 Default only enable backend candidate filtering. · manateelazycat/lsp-bridge@7caac7c · GitHub 补丁修复这个问题。
- lsp-bridge 会根据 acm-backend-lsp-match-mode 选项的值在Python后端候选词做一次过滤, 默认用 fuzzy 算法
- lsp-bridge acm 前端会根据 acm-candidate-match-function 的值在进行一次前端过滤, 以前的默认值是 regexp-quote, 这样就会导致
(string-match-p (funcall 'regexp-quote "dsp") "display")
返回的是 nil, “display” 这个候选词就被过滤掉无法显示
上面补丁的作用是, acm-candidate-match-function 默认设置为 nil, 意味着 lsp-bridge 只进行后端过滤, 不进行前端过滤。结果如下:
如果前端过滤也想进行模糊搜索, 建议先安装 orderless, 然后把 acm-candidate-match-function 设置为 'orderless-flex
已经修复了, 设置了 orderless-flex,丝滑依旧。