应该把 source 里面的 :match 函数返回的正则,用 orderless-pattern-comipler 转换一下就行。
(defun ad/helm-mm-3-get-patterns-internal (pattern)
"Return a list of predicate/regexp cons cells.
E.g., ((identity . \"foo\") (not . \"bar\"))."
(unless (string= pattern "")
(cl-loop for pat in (helm-mm-split-pattern pattern)
collect (if (char-equal ?! (aref pat 0))
(cons 'not (car (orderless-pattern-compiler (substring pat 1))))
(cons 'identity (car (orderless-pattern-compiler pat)))))))
(defun ad/helm-buffers--match-from-pat (candidate)
(let* ((regexp-list (cl-loop with pattern = helm-pattern
for p in (helm-mm-split-pattern pattern)
unless (string-match
"\\`\\(\\*\\|/\\|@\\)" p)
collect (car (orderless-pattern-compiler p))))
(nofuzzy (cdr regexp-list)))
(if regexp-list
(cl-loop for re in regexp-list
always (helm-buffer--match-pattern re candidate nofuzzy))
helm-mini,helm-swoop 都能用了, helm-find-file 最后匹配文件名的时候要先输入一个空格