

我在 Vim 试了一下,似乎在 visual-state$ 会移动到最后一个字符后是 Vim 的默认行为,用于选中行尾的换行符。

好吧,确实vim下normal mode不可以移到最后一个字后,visual mode可以,所以现在evil的行为是正确的。


(evil-define-motion evil-end-of-line (count)
  "Move the cursor to the end of the current line.
If COUNT is given, move COUNT - 1 lines downward first."
  :type inclusive
  (move-end-of-line count)
  (when evil-track-eol
    (setq temporary-goal-column most-positive-fixnum
          this-command 'next-line))
  (unless (evil-visual-state-p)
    (when (eolp)
      ;; prevent "c$" and "d$" from deleting blank lines
      (setq evil-this-type 'exclusive))))

发现evil-adjust-cursor会在非evil-visual-state-p的时候把光标从最后一个字后面移到最后一个字上,所以覆盖一下这个函数的定义就好了 :beers: :

  (evil-define-motion evil-end-of-line (count)
    "Move the cursor to the end of the current line.
If COUNT is given, move COUNT - 1 lines downward first."
    :type inclusive
    (move-end-of-line count)
    (when evil-track-eol
      (setq temporary-goal-column most-positive-fixnum
            this-command 'next-line))
    (when (evil-visual-state-p)
      (when (eolp)
        ;; prevent "c$" and "d$" from deleting blank lines
        (setq evil-this-type 'exclusive))))