- 在 linux 中安装欧路词典
- 欧路词典设置剪贴板查词
- emacs 中 kill-ring-save 再用 dbus 激活欧路词典窗口
- dbus 调用中的名称在每次欧路词典重启后都会变 需要用 d-feet 查询并修改
3 个赞
- 安卓手机中同样是用欧路词典
- termux 中的 emacs 用 termux-open-url 调用欧路词典的 urlscheme
(defun eudic ()
(format "termux-open-url eudic://dict/%s"
4 个赞
其实不必非得啥事儿都在 Emacs 里完成
1 个赞
欧陆词典支持下载安装 英语词根词缀记忆词典
不需要走 dbus,直接运行欧陆词典即可,设置一下欧陆词典:
勾选 `自动查询剪贴板内单词` `关闭窗口时最小化到状态栏`
不勾选 `软件启动时最小化`
(defun my/eudic (&optional read)
"Translate with eudic.
eudic program must set auto translate words in clipboard."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((default-word (if (member major-mode '(doc-view-mode pdf-view-mode))
(if mark-active
(buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end))
(word (if read nil default-word))
(old (car kill-ring)))
(when (= 0 (length word))
(setq word (read-string (concat "Translate Words: ") default-word)))
;; Put into kill-ring for eudic translate words in clipboard.
(kill-new word)
(start-process "eudic" nil "eudic")
;; Recover kill-ring later.
(run-with-timer 1 nil (lambda (word old)
(if (equal word (car kill-ring))
(kill-new old)))
word old)))
刚发现欧陆词典 LINUX 版很多词典要充会员才能用了,果断换回 Goldendict 了,Goldendict 很好集成:
(defun my/goldendict (&optional read)
"Translate with goldendict."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((default-word (if (member major-mode '(doc-view-mode pdf-view-mode))
(if mark-active
(buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end))
(word (if read nil default-word)))
(when (= 0 (length word))
(setq word (read-string (concat "Translate Words: ") default-word)))
(start-process "goldendict" nil "goldendict" word)))
5 个赞
谢谢DX 另请问用的是哪个版本的goldendict 官方据说早不更新了,所以停留在非常旧的版本上 为了用新的,下载的appimage的版本 但会找不到这个program