从今天开始,Emacs里面可以运行任何你想要的程序 (Linux & Windows & Mac & BSD)

装Linux, 哈哈哈哈

最近也想尝试,但是感觉蛮难的,比如不知道如何在 linux下高效使用 AutoCAD.虽然有开源替代,但是大多数时候施工单位都是要求dwg格式的文件,还有很多使用习惯的问题,导致迁移成本很高.

1 个赞

We hope that the experience of using GNU Emacs on Windows will give programmers a taste of freedom, and that this will later inspire them to move to a free operating system such as GNU/Linux. That is the main valid reason to support free applications on nonfree operating systems. – GNU Emacs FAQ For MS Windows

If you want full-feature, use GNU/Linux :wink:

Thanks for sharing, I start to seriously thinking this shift.

1 个赞

今天加了一个补丁 Add option eaf--monitor-configuration-p avoid page blink when open · emacs-eaf/emacs-application-framework@8b94af9 · GitHub



@cireu 不行吧,我去 GitHub - m-parashar/emax64: 64-bit Emacs for Windows with ImageMagick 7 下了一个含有imagemagick的emacs,也有安装了imagemagick环境,但打不开webp,然后imagemagick-types也找不到webp支持



4 个赞

不错不错, 现在识别度更好了。

今天pdf浏览器是不是不小心引入bug了,鼠标一动就 “EAF 已放弃”

eaf buffer 中有什么错误输出吗? :joy:

EAF process starting...
Session is not restored, as no data present in session file.
Session is not restored, as no data present in session file.
Session restored:  d40a-4a92-b9ed-d165-a23c-acca-c1e9 app.pdf-viewer.buffer /home/feng/.emacs.d/eaf/session.json
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/feng/projects/emacs-packages/emacs-application-framework/app/pdf-viewer/buffer.py", line 958, in eventFilter
  File "/home/feng/projects/emacs-packages/emacs-application-framework/app/pdf-viewer/buffer.py", line 854, in hover_annot
    annots = page.annots()
AttributeError: 'Page' object has no attribute 'annots'
EAF process starting...
Session restored:  ff00-281f-5ad6-cbd4-dfad-6f01-5c35 app.pdf-viewer.buffer /home/feng/.emacs.d/eaf/session.json
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/feng/projects/emacs-packages/emacs-application-framework/app/pdf-viewer/buffer.py", line 958, in eventFilter
  File "/home/feng/projects/emacs-packages/emacs-application-framework/app/pdf-viewer/buffer.py", line 854, in hover_annot
    annots = page.annots()
AttributeError: 'Page' object has no attribute 'annots'
EAF process starting...
Session restored:  68ec-efe1-afea-e95b-3296-2c79-a102 app.pdf-viewer.buffer /home/feng/.emacs.d/eaf/session.json
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/feng/projects/emacs-packages/emacs-application-framework/app/pdf-viewer/buffer.py", line 958, in eventFilter
  File "/home/feng/projects/emacs-packages/emacs-application-framework/app/pdf-viewer/buffer.py", line 854, in hover_annot
    annots = page.annots()
AttributeError: 'Page' object has no attribute 'annots'
EAF process starting...
Session restored:  65b7-db15-758b-c6d3-feb4-c5e9-4f97 app.pdf-viewer.buffer /home/feng/.emacs.d/eaf/session.json
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/feng/projects/emacs-packages/emacs-application-framework/app/pdf-viewer/buffer.py", line 958, in eventFilter
  File "/home/feng/projects/emacs-packages/emacs-application-framework/app/pdf-viewer/buffer.py", line 854, in hover_annot
    annots = page.annots()
AttributeError: 'Page' object has no attribute 'annots'

感谢! 我怀疑是 pymupdf 的版本问题, Page.annots() 是在 1.16.4 引入的, 你可以看一下你的 pymupdf 版本

import fitz


pymupdf 应该是1.14 (‘1.14.21’, ‘1.14.0’, ‘20190916030349’)

已经 PR 了 pdf-viewer: Fix Page.annots() error. by luhuaei · Pull Request #229 · emacs-eaf/emacs-application-framework · GitHub :grin:


EAF process starting...
Session restored:  4cb1-3951-77a3-8211-f413-5c7b-5b14 app.pdf-viewer.buffer /home/feng/.emacs.d/eaf/session.json
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/feng/projects/emacs-packages/emacs-application-framework/app/pdf-viewer/buffer.py", line 966, in eventFilter
  File "/home/feng/projects/emacs-packages/emacs-application-framework/app/pdf-viewer/buffer.py", line 864, in hover_annot
    if annot.rect.contains(fitz.Point(ex, ey)):
AttributeError: 'Rect' object has no attribute 'contains'

你在 pdf-viewer buffer.py 864 行 改成 if fitz.Point(ex, ey) in annot.rect: 看看。我的版本是 1.16.10 的,测试不了