搜索pdf报错 比如我搜索lock时出现下面错误
Debugger entered–Lisp error: (void-variable lock) (eaf–show-message “Found 35 results with " lock “.”) (progn (eaf–show-message “Found 35 results with " lock “.”)) tcp-eval(”(eaf–show-message "Found 35 results with "lock"."…”) eaf-server-filter(#<process eaf-server:9999 <>> “(eaf–show-message "Found 35 results with "lock"."…”) apply(eaf-server-filter (#<process eaf-server:9999 <>> “(eaf–show-message "Found 35 results with "lock"."…”)) explain-pause–wrap-callback(#s(explain-pause-command-record :command process-filter :native nil :parent #s(explain-pause-command-record :command “eaf-server:9999 <>” :native nil :parent #s(explain-pause-command-record :command root-emacs :native nil :parent nil :executing-time 5930485 :entry-snap (24594 27895 759904 994000) :too-slow nil :is-profiled nil :under-profile nil :profile nil :depth 0) :executing-time 0 :entry-snap nil :too-slow nil :is-profiled nil :under-profile nil :profile nil :depth 1) :executing-time 0 :entry-snap nil :too-slow nil :is-profiled nil :under-profile nil :profile nil :depth 2) eaf-server-filter #<process eaf-server:9999 <>> “(eaf–show-message "Found 35 results with "lock"."…”) apply(explain-pause–wrap-callback #s(explain-pause-command-record :command process-filter :native nil :parent #s(explain-pause-command-record :command “eaf-server:9999 <>” :native nil :parent #s(explain-pause-command-record :command root-emacs :native nil :parent nil :executing-time 5930485 :entry-snap (24594 27895 759904 994000) :too-slow nil :is-profiled nil :under-profile nil :profile nil :depth 0) :executing-time 0 :entry-snap nil :too-slow nil :is-profiled nil :under-profile nil :profile nil :depth 1) :executing-time 0 :entry-snap nil :too-slow nil :is-profiled nil :under-profile nil :profile nil :depth 2) eaf-server-filter (#<process eaf-server:9999 <>> “(eaf–show-message "Found 35 results with "lock"."…”)) #f(compiled-function (&rest callback-args) #<bytecode 0x121417e7b1544c3>)(#<process eaf-server:9999 <>> “(eaf–show-message "Found 35 results with "lock"."…”)