d2 --help
d2 [--watch=false] [--theme=0] file.d2 [file.svg | file.png]
d2 layout [name]
d2 fmt file.d2
d2 compiles and renders file.d2 to file.svg | file.png
It defaults to file.svg if an output path is not provided.
Use - to have d2 read from stdin or write to stdout.
See man d2 for more detailed docs.
-w, --watch $D2_WATCH watch for changes to input and live reload. Use $HOST and $PORT to specify the listening address.
(default localhost:0, which is will open on a randomly available local port). (default false)
-h, --host string $HOST host listening address when used with watch (default "localhost")
-p, --port string $PORT port listening address when used with watch (default "0")
-b, --bundle $D2_BUNDLE when outputting SVG, bundle all assets and layers into the output file. (default true)
-d, --debug $DEBUG print debug logs. (default false)
-l, --layout string $D2_LAYOUT the layout engine used. (default "dagre")
-t, --theme int $D2_THEME the diagram theme ID. For a list of available options, see https://oss.terrastruct.com/d2 (default 0)
-v, --version get the version (default false)
d2 layout - Lists available layout engine options with short help
d2 layout [name] - Display long help for a particular layout engine
d2 fmt file.d2 - Format file.d2
See more docs and the source code at https://oss.terrastruct.com/d2